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Crater Lakes in Uganda

Crater Lakes in Uganda

The Crater lakes in Uganda formed as a result of violent volcanic eruptions which occurred more than 8000 years ago. And left outlets which later filled with water. Uganda has several volcanic mountains. Which erupted and formed craters unlike other volcanoes that create cones at the top of the mountains. The Explosion craters pour out larva spreading far across the surrounding areas therefore creating a large basin. Crater lakes provide scenic views and lush green surrounding. The Crater lakes in Uganda are mostly found in the western region of Uganda. These lakes are a beautiful place to relax from and take beautiful pictures.

Uganda has more than 50 crater lakes although some might be saline with a strong smell. However, there is as well a good number of them with freshwaters and also eye-catching sceneries. These craters can be visited either during. Or after your wildlife safari to Queen Elizabeth National Park or Kibale Forest National Park.


Katwe Crater lake

Lake Katwe lies within the highest point of Queen Elizabeth National Park of the Mweya Peninsula. It is the main Crater Lake and the number one salt distributor in Uganda. It is about 3,265 ft in depth and does not inhabit any water animals because it is salty. However, some mammal species like buffalos, elephants, flamingos seen around the baboon cliff. While here, you will enjoy panoramic views of the rift valley below, Lake George and Lake Edward, the Rwenzori Mountains, Kyemango crater and also the Kazinga channel. For hikers, the Katwe explosion craters will elevate your hiking experience. You will also see Lake Kitagata which is fed by the salty waters from a salty hot spring.


Ndali- Kasenda Craters

The Ndali-Kasenda Craters are among the few extinct volcanic features and their gases cover about 10 kilometers beneath. These Lakes contain a sulphuric smell and are characterized by green toxic water. This therefore indicates that you shouldn’t try jumping into any of the Crater Lakes before finding out if they are safe for one to swim in.

The renowned “Top of the world” crater trail is about 3 hours’ guided walk through the entire crater area and it offers a lot more to see and learn. Ndali-Kasenda area has several crater lakes and they include; Lake Nkuruba, Lake Lyantonde, Lake Nyinambuga, lake Nyabikere and Lake Kifuruka among others. While in this beautiful paradise, you will be captivated by the amazing views of the Rwenzori Mountains, Kibale rainforest as well as the tea plantations.


Bunyaruguru Craters

Bunyaruguru Craters are located on the Western part of Queen Elizabeth National Park and to the locals. Known as the “Kichwamba crater fields” situated in the Kichwamba escarpment. They have both saline and freshwater lakes. Bunyaruguru area has over 20 craters found within the Kichwamba escarpment along the western rift valley and many of them are filled with vegetation. The most common Crater Lake in this area is; Lake Nkugute which is filled with water. And  situated along the Kasese-Mbarara high way within Bunyaruguru County, in the newly created Rubirizi district.

Nkugute Crater Lake was formed in the Bunyaruguru Volcanic field as a result of Volcanic eruption. And this can also be evidenced by the Kitagata hot springs in Sheema distinct.

The name Nkugute was derived from a Runyaruguru word that means “swallow” and from the myths and ancient stories that have been told in the surrounding areas for years. It is said that the lake swallows a boy and a girl each year, though there is has been no proof to support the myths.  Lake Nkugute is said to have mysteriously taken up the shape of Africa and while you are here, you will be amazed by the beautiful forests of Queen Elizabeth National Park and the views of Kichwamba escarpment.

Other crater lakes in Bunyaruguru field include; the twin lakes of Kyema and Kamweru, Katinda and Mirambi, Rwizongo and Nyungu, Lake Mafuro, lake Nkuruba and also Lake Kamunzuku.


Crater Lakes in Fort Portal

Nestled within the western region of Uganda, is Fort Portal. It is situated at the base of the Rwenzori Mountain range and boasts a plethora of tourist attractions with the most being the stunning Crater Lakes. These craters together with several other attractions earned Fort Portal the name “Tourism City of Uganda”. It is approximately 290 kilometers away from Kampala.

Fort Portal is renowned for having the highest number of crater lakes in Uganda with a total of 50 each with its own features. The lakeshores and surrounding areas provide a safe haven to over 300 bird species and several primate species. The breathtaking landscape of the crater lakes, propped up amidst steep hillsides in the southern region of Fort Portal gives visitors a picturesque setting for leisurely nature walks and cycling. Some of the Crater lakes in Fort Portal include;

Lake Nyabikere

Lake Nyabikere is located about 30 minutes’ drive from the main road at the edge of Kibale Forest National Park. And when translated in the local language, Nyabikere means,” Frog.” In case you want to access Lake Nkuruba, you can possibly get there from Lake Nyabikere via Lake Nyinabulitwa to lake Nyamirima. The Lake is also a popular base for the chimpanzee treks in Kibale Forest National Park.


Lake Nyinambuga

Lake Nyinambuga is situated south of lake Nkuruba with amazing landscapes filled with forests. The lake has several luxurious accommodations where you can choose to relax and unwind from, and among them is Ndali Lodge.


Lake Nkuruba

Lake Nkuruba  located about 25 kilometers south of Fort portal. And it has a calm campsite known as Enfuzi community campsite.


Lake Kifuruka

Lake Kifuruka located in the western side of lake Nyinambuga having blue-green waters.  This is simply because the lakes are still sulphuric. Ndali lodge set on a narrow ridge overlooking this waterbody about 100 meters below, to offer visitors with rewarding views of nature.


Lake Lyantonde

Lake Lyantonde nestled south west of Lake Nyinambuga. It is one of the most beautiful lakes with several accommodations like, papaya lake lodge.


Lake Kasenda

Lake Kasenda iuniquely beautiful and it has fertile soils around it favoring the growth of crops and plants. Like; the Arabica coffee which has led to growth of Agro tourism in the area.

Other Crater Lakes in Fort Portal include; lake Mwimba, Lake Rwenjuba, Lake Mwegenyi, Lake Murigamire, Lake Ntambi, Lake Mwamba, Lake Nyamugasani, Lake Mutusi, Lake Lugembe, Lake Nyamirima, Lake Kanyango, Lake Nyaswiga and Lake Nyamiteza among others.


Activities done during your Visit to Fort Portal

Visiting the different Crater Lakes

This is the most interesting activity done and it involves visiting the different crater lakes and attractions found on these lakes. While on these visits, you rewarded with striking scenic views of the landscape backdropped with the Rwenzori Mountain ranges. You will as well encounter the local communities, different birds and also other water animals.


Nature walk

These Nature walks are so rewarding in that you enjoy beautiful views of the crater lakes above including; lake Nyamiteza, lake Nkuruba and many others. Several bird species seen during the nature walks.


Hike to Top of the World

Visitors can as well hike to Top of the World where they will enjoy unrivaled views of three mesmerizing crater lakes. Which include; Lake Nyamirima, Lake Nyabikere and Lake Nyinabulitwa. For those who would love to spend a night here. An accommodation nestled at an impressive altitude of 1,608m above sea level and perfectly captures breathtaking panoramas. You can as well stopover

here for lunch for those visitors who wouldn’t want to spend a night.


Visiting the Rwenzori mountains

A visit to the Rwenzori Mountains as well added to your bucket list for a half day hike. The Rwenzori Mountain is the highest mountain in Uganda and it adds up to the icons of Uganda. You will enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding area as well as several birds and mammal species.

Other activities include; fishing, birdwatching, primate watching, cycling and many others.


How to get to Fort portal

Wondering how to get to Fort Portal, from Kampala you will drive for about 300km to reach. In case you are travelling from the North. You will follow Masindi-Hoima-Fort portal road and also from south, you can get there from Kasese through Katoma and Kibale Forest National Park.  There is a main road that goes to Rwakwenzi Town in the south passing through the top of the World, Nyinambuga, lake Mwimba, Lake Kasenda and Lake Rwenjuba.


Accommodations during your visit to the Crater Lakes in Fort Portal

There are several accommodations that offer comfort to visitors during their stay in Fort Portal. And these include; Top of the World Lodge, papaya lake lodge, Kyaninga lodge, Kibale forest camp and many others.