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Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve

Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve

Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve is located in Wasini Island in Kwale County. It is just 550km from the Country’s Capital City Nairobi and 120km from the gorgeous Mombasa County. The Reserve covers an area of 39sqkm and it is just 6km off the Kenyan Coastal shore and 8km from the Kenya-Tanzania border.

Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park, an Unspoiled, sun kissed and beautiful place. Established to protect the scenic islands and special habitats of a wide range of endemic marine animals and breeding migratory birds.

The reserve comprises 4 magnificent islands each with quite a large area for fringing reefs. There is a lot to be amazed with at this elegant location for example; the over 250 species of marine life, the luxurious hotels and most importantly an interaction with the ever hospitable Kenyan people.

Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve is also famously known for its scenic islands and habitats swamped with a variety of marine animals and the indigenous and migratory birds. Its tranquil waters offer World class water activities, but are also the perfect place for snorkeling and hosting those quiet romantic dinners. The ambience here is sensational, the feel of the hot sun gently kissing on your skin extraordinarily. Thus the amazing ocean breeze and cool inviting waters are a luxury you cannot afford to miss.


Activities at Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve

Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park and Reserve has quite a number of activities to offer and they include;

Bird watching

Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve is basically known for its diverse species of sea birds hence making it a unique birding destination. However, it has many seabirds arriving in July for breeding. Of these arrivals, island’s habitat supports the breeding colonies of roseate and sooty terns and the crab-plover.


Boat Rides

Hotels and lodges in and around Mombasa offer boat rides to Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park. These rides take guests out on whale and dolphin watching experiences and also offering a chance to do some snorkeling around the magnificent coral reefs.




This is a unique experience which gives an opportunity to observe underwater life in a natural setting without the complicated equipment and training required for Scuba diving.  It is allowed for all ages because it does not require a lot of effort.


Scuba Diving

Diving in Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park is so spectacular because of the variety of dive sites, fish and corals thus giving both beginners and advanced divers something to enjoy. There are different diving spots providing maximum satisfaction to tourists and an all year-round diving condition thus giving a great time.


Humpback Whale Migration

Humpback whale Migration happens along the Kenyan Coast in early June as the whales make their migration from Antarctica. Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park is a perfect area in Kenya for exploring most of the marine species thus offering a unique marine life viewing experience.



One of the most fascinating things to do is; Sit on the beach and take advantage of the warm and bright sun. This gives a great chance to pamper yourself, de-stress and also enjoy the beach life while sipping wine or beer and also reflecting on a vacation well-spent.


Shimoni Cultural Village Tour

Visit the local community at Shimoni and get to experience the day to day life in this quiet and charming rural village. Meanwhile, hear stories and learn traditions of the tribes that have been living in Shimoni for centuries.


When to Visit

Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve is best visited during the dry season from June to October and December to March since the waters are usually clear and with great views of the marine life. This time of the year also gives good temperatures for diving, snorkeling, boat rides and also swimming.


 How to Get to there

The Road

The Park is about 550km from Nairobi and about 90km from Mombasa. The park is only accessible by boat and it is generally with a trip on a classic dhow from either Mombasa or Diani Beach.

By Air

Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve  reached from Wilson Airstrip through Moi International Airport and then drive for about 1 ½ hours to the park.


Accommodations in Kisite Mpunguti Marine Park & Reserve

The Accommodations  are Luxury, Mid-Range and Budget and they include;

Luxury Accommodations

Hotel English Point

Travellers Beach Hotel & Club

Firefly Eco Retreat

Mwazaro Beach Lodge


Mid-Range Accommodations

Shimoni Reef Lodge

Shimoni cottages